Commonsense taxes and budget

Commonsense taxes and budget

Pennsylvania’s fiscal woes are not a result of a failing economy. They come from failed policies. Building a Stronger Pennsylvania knows that the first step in addressing our recurring fiscal nightmare is to take a realistic assessment of what we have now and what we will have in the future. We must also switch to a biennial budget to avoid the repeat spectacle of legislators up until 2 a.m. on a summer weekend to vote on a patchwork document they haven’t even had a chance to read.

If we want high-paying jobs, we need to attract top-notch job creators. We have successfully reduced the outlandish 9.9 percent Corporate Net Income tax rate to 8.99 percent—but we refuse to stop there. We advocate for speeding up the process to reduce the rate each year until we reach 4.99 percent. At Building a Stronger Pennsylvania, we recognize that a culture of disapproval and overregulation will drive businesses away. Needless obstruction is the surest way to make job creators feel uncertain about our business climate, which is why we’re so passionate about restoring common sense on this topic.

Improving the education system

Improving the education system

Education is a fundamental aspect of any flourishing society. The importance of preparing our children to enter the workforce and perform can’t be overstated. Unfortunately, despite historic increases in funding, academic performance and readiness still look bleak. We’re failing our children by avoiding the complexity of this issue.

Building a Stronger Pennsylvania knows it’s time to fund our schools realistically and to enliven the process by introducing choice and competition to incentivize everybody. No two students are alike, and no two minds grow identically. Families should be able to choose among a range of options to educate their children. Further, we need effective teachers and principals who understand the importance of an adaptive learning system.

The highest-performing education systems in the world have a shared vision and a clear path forward. To replicate this, we believe there should be a Commission on Education and Economic Competitiveness to study the challenges within our current system and oversee the implementation of policy solutions. This Commission would be representative of a diverse range of views to accurately conduct research, hearings, and requests for public comment.

Our children deserve an education system that will advance their unique skills and prepare them to be high-performing members of the community. We need to build and support a workforce that matches job demand. 

Leaning into an energy economy

Leaning into an energy economy

Pennsylvania has been blessed with a uniquely diverse mix of energy sources, including natural gas, coal, nuclear, hydropower, solar, wind, and more. When you flip on a light, it should undoubtedly come on, and these methods of energy production make it possible.

The leftist movement against carbon fuels will lead us into a situation where we’re forced to rely on sources that can’t even meet demand. We view dependable and reasonably priced electricity as a non-negotiable for the Commonwealth. Building a Stronger Pennsylvania knows the importance of seeking bipartisan solutions to boost our energy independence and provide increased affordability and reliability.
Keeping our families safe

Keeping our families safe

Conversations surrounding education, energy, and jobs are vital—but all the opportunities in the world do us no good if families can’t live safely. Our communities should be a haven for the people who live and work here. At Building a Stronger Pennsylvania, we know that a curb on out-of-control crime starts with sensible policies. That includes establishing a clear, defined line of funding for the Pennsylvania State Police, so they’re no longer at the budgetary mercy of the motor fuels tax. The State Police budget needs to be clear. Support for those who protect and serve needs to be full and ungrudging.